MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

Пречистване на водата

The EU’s Drinking Water Directive and related member state legislation, set strict regulations, which Mitsubishi Electric has solutions for, in all process stages. With its flexible modular architecture and power, the Mitsubishi iQ Platform is the foundation of the entire system. The iQ Works integrated development environment includes all the functions you need for every phase of the target system, from graphical system design and programming to the operation and maintenance of the system following deployment. The testing and simulation for the integrated PLC, HMI and inverter systems help to optimize the system and reduce errors.

The iQ Platform can interface with almost all of the open network systems and protocols used in automation today. These advanced distributed solutions help to cut costs when compared to systems with conventional wiring, without reducing reliability. Powerful diagnostics functions also enable fast and effective troubleshooting.

When it comes to process visualization, Mitsubishi Electric offers what is probably the most comprehensive selection of HMI units and industrial PCs currently available. By taking advantage of the operators and service staff can always access all the information and process data they need immediately – on site or from a central location.

The final part of the puzzle is a partner who understands the industry and has the expertise and resources needed to implement projects quickly and within the set budget. With its exceptional engineering competence and long experience in water industry projects both in Europe and worldwide, Mitsubishi Electric can make a key contribution to successful solutions.

We provide cost saving solutions for:

  • Pump Station/Screening: Energy efficient, intelligent pumping
  • Flocculation: Economical distributed control
  • Filtration/Sedimentation: Maximum flexibility
  • Disinfection: Redundant architecture, high availability
